Saturday, December 12, 2009


oust, a verb, means to dispose a property especially when it relates to law. This is usually by forceful but legal action which means the right of authority is being taken. Actions like these would be true to squatters area wherein the government would want to relocate the people yet are stubborn, with the reasonings that it has sentimental value and there is their source of living. The mayor of the town ousts houses, when it will affect the welfare of the community. This is an example


As I'm reading in our local newspaper, I've came across the word erudite. At first I really had no idea of what it means but then after researching I've found out that it has something to do with scholarly learning. Actually the real word I've seen is erudition yet I guess these two words are just somewhat similar in meaning only that the other is a noun and this is an adjective. A sample would be this: My erudite classmates all graduated with flying colors. For erudition, here it is, erudition at something at about everything may lead us to success.


garish is an adjective, meaning harsh or glaring in color, as stated by Webster Dictionary. It can also be defined as vulgarly bright pr showy, a definition also stated in the dictionary. I guess it came from the word gaure, to stare, as I interpreted in how it is placed in the dictionary. it is also stated there that it came from the older word gaurich perch. I'm not sure.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Webster Dictionary states that the meaning of arty,an adjective, is posing as artistic,when it relates to a person. When it relates to things, Merriam Webster which is found on the web, states that it is something pretentious in artistry. Some inflected form of it are artier and artiest. We can say that the inflected forms given are used for comparing things. Of course, it's an adjective!How can we say when something or someone is arty?Maybe, they can be determined by telling if it is beautiful or not, or a person who loves to make beautiful things. By the way, I am correct when I concluded that persons living in urban areas are called urbanites. With regards to the question I asked, I think Kenny who intends to visit is still an urbanite even though he went to a suburban area.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


According to, suburban is an adjective relating to the characteristic of a suburb, What is a suburb? A suburb is community living in the outskirts of a city called an urban which is characterized by a high population. By the way suburb and urban are both nouns. We call those who are living in suburbs, suburbanites and urban, urbanites, I guess. I'll give a sample sentence. Here it is."Juvy and Jet are living in a suburb but their friend Kenny lives in an urban. Kenny will have to travel outside of their city to reach his friends whom he have met when he had become an exchange student of their school."Juvy and Jet are called suburbanites. When Kenny moved out of the city to visit his friends, is he now classified a suburbanite?