Friday, January 22, 2010


Good Day!Piggish is an adjective which means selfisly greedy as printed in Webster Dictionary. I conclude that we use the word piggish to describe a person who doesn't want to share a food and eating it voraciously. Here is a sample sentence, "Don't be piggish because many people will hate you.Do you want that to happen?"

Thursday, January 21, 2010


My word for today is layover. Layover means a stop or stay in a place during a journey. It is a noun. Here, in order for us to refresh so that we wouldn't feel exhausted when we arrived at a place, especially distanced ones, we must have a layover. Modes of transportation like buses and jeepneys would usually have a layover so that they will have more passengers thus consuming more time when traveling. Unfortunately, for me, I should bear this since I'm not yet legible to drive a car and I don't have a car!Sample sentence,"Layovers will help us attend to our personal needs especially when it stroke at an unexpected time.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


For today, I will be talking about aroma.What's aroma?Aroma is a noun use to denote odors,usually pleasant ones emitted by plants. It is a characteristic of them, adding to their variance. Sometimes, these aromas are use for treatments like the one we had before. Example, "The aroma of this plant brings me so much satisfaction, whenever I get the chance to inhale it"

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I'm back!After some time of being idle, I finally manage to resume my vocabulary building today. Dotard means an old man becoming weak minded, a definition found in Webster Dictionary. We can conclude that the noun dotard can be associated with old people whose mental processes is degrading because of aging. I will try using this in a sentence,"All people will become a dotard in different period of times appropriate for their own phase of development". That's it!